Buying MINGLE as a gift?

Order any 4 jars, and we will give you a Mingle box and a sticker for the occasion of your choice.


Mingle is like love – it must be shared! For each order you can choose a free label, fitting for a special gift occasion.

nekom najsladjem na svetu
To the sweetest person in the world
Svom omiljenom majstoru za palačinke
To my favourite pancake master
 Volim da poklanjam i bez povoda
I love to give even without a reason
Za srećan mingldan
For a happy mingleday
Da nekome kažem: Hvala!
To say to someone: Thank you!
Kao poziv na minglovanje
As an invitation to mingle
nekom najsladjem na svetu copy copy
To the main mingler-girl in the city
Poklanjam sam/a sebi
I am giving this to myself
Glavnom mingleru u gradu
To the main mingler-dude in the city
Novogodišnji Mingle
New Year’s Mingle

At the end of the ordering process, choose a free sticker for the occasion for the present, and that sticker will be sent with your order. You can choose only one sticker per box..